
Program Benefits

Earn Commission

All affiliates start out by earning 15% for each conversion with the potential to earn up to 20%.

Easily Share

We are partnered with GRIN, giving you access to a streamlined system where you can easily share coupon codes and competitive offers with your audience. 

Track Success

Every conversion is meticulously tracked through our system, ensuring that you are paid quickly and efficiently for your hard work. 

How do I sign up for the program?

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

Step 1.

Click the link above

You'll be taken to a form to fill out. Please fill out any relevant information and be as thorough as you can. 

Step 2.

Wait for Confirmation

We'll be in touch with you within 3-5 business days with a link to submit your proposal.

Step 3.

Content Approval

After we have received your proposal, final details will be shared so that Rumble Tuff can receive your content. 


How much can I earn?

Commission is based off of conversions from your audience via a custom link unique to you. You can earn 15% on all completed sales with the ability to earn 20% for high performance. Speak to a Rumble Tuff team member for details on earning 20%. 

How will I submit my content?

Rumble Tuff has partnered with GRIN to help streamline the process of creating and submitting photos, videos, stories, etc. Everything will be run within GRIN's easy-to-use platform. 

When will I get paid?

Affiliate commissions are paid on the 15th of every month for the prior month's referrals. 

What kind of content does rumble tuff want?

We are open to accepting multiple forms of content from videos to carousel posts on platforms such as Instagram and Tiktok. Currently our marketing team is focusing on promoting our hands free breast milk collection cups: Go-Cups. These cups are compatible with many brands of breast pumps, and we are eager to show that off. With that being said we are looking for content creators who can make compelling content that shows off our product in fun and innovative ways. 

Who owns the content I create for Rumble Tuff, If I join this program?

Once your proposal has been accepted you will be required to wave the rights to your content in order for Rumble Tuff to utilize it on various platforms and campaigns. 

Who can I contact if I have questions?

Please reach out to our marketing manager Jennifer Robles at Jennifer.Robles@RumbleTuff.com

What products will I promote?

Currently Rumble Tuff is focusing on our brand new Go-Cup collection containers, compatible with most breast pumps on the market. You can check compatibility HERE.

Need a breast pump? No worries! We can send you a Rumble Tuff breast pump to try out once you've applied to the program.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions that haven't been answered on this page you can reach out to our Marketing Manager Jennifer Robles by emailing her at Jennifer.Robles@RumbleTuff.com
