There are 2 ways to use the Pumpin’ Pals by Rumble Tuff Silicone flanges/breast shields:
Option #1
Using the HF Breast Shield Body, firmly insert the collar into the breast shield body opening. Insert the pink or blue silicone flange into the collar.

Option #2
Insert the silicone flange, in its collar, into the tunnel of your Rumble Tuff 25mm Breast Shield. You will need to use your finger to remove the collar for washing after pumping.
X-Small (Blue) and Small (Pink) Silicone Flange/Breast Shields
These instructions are for the Silicone Flange/Breast Shields only.
To pump with your silicone flange/breast shield, start with your pump on an expression setting which is comfortable for you then use one of these methods to position your nipple in the tunnel. Remember, the silicone shield is specifically designed to keep tissue out of the flange tunnel so you might have to coax your nipple into the tunnel.
Method 1:
With your pump on an expression setting that is comfortable for you, bend back the funnel and position over the nipple using both hands, as shown. Let the pump suction hold you in place while you gently fold back the flange/breast shield onto your breast. Be careful to not let the flange/breast shield snap back!

Method 2:
With your pump on an expression setting that is comfortable for you, work your nipple into the tunnel of the shield, as you would work your hand into a rubber glove, eliminating any space between your areola and the silicone.

Never use any oil or lubricant on the breast shield.
If necessary, use a small amount of water on the outside of the silicone to make it easier to insert into the collar.
Pumpin’ Pals by Rumble Tuff Hard Plastic Flange/Breast Shields

When using the Medium Flange/Breastshield, for the most secure fit, use shield-in-shield with the 25mm flange/ breast shield, which came with your pump. When using the HF Breast Shield Body, ensure the shield and Breast Shield Body fit together securely.