Breast Pumps

Whisper duo electric and manual breast pump kit

Whisper Electric Breast Pump – Lavender


Breeze Electric Breast Pump – White


Breeze Electric Breast Pump – Lavender


Breeze Electric Breast Pump

$159.99 – $234.99

Whisper Electric Breast Pump

$95.99 – $162.99

EZ Express Electric Breast Pump

$119.99 – $182.99

Breeze Pro Electric Breast Pump (Multi-User)


Sweet Essence Manual Breast Pump


Sweet Essence-One Manual Breast Pump


Mighty Tyke stylized product image

Mighty Tyke Electric Breast Pump


Insurance Covered Breast Pumps

If you decide to breastfeed, our breast pumps can be an invaluable tool in your journey. We understand breast pumps can be pricey, that's why we are committed to offer top-quality and innovative breast pumps at an affordable price and help get you access to the right breast pump that fits your needs.

To see what options are available to you through your insurance, please fill out our insurance form.

Collection Cups & Kits

Slim-Cups Hands-Free Collection Cups


Flo-1 Collection Kit System


Go-Cups Hands-Free Collection Cups


Go-Cups 2-pack


Standard Collection Combo Kit (One-Piece flange, Double)


Collection Combo Kits (Interchangeable Flange, Double)


breastmilk collection cups with manual handle

Collection Combo Kits (For Breeze Pro)


Breast Shields/Flanges

Go-Cups Flange


Slim-Cups Flange

Breast Shields (Flanges)


Long Silicone Flange Insert


Silicone Flange Insert

23mm Silicone Flange Inserts


all pumpin pal silicone breast shield sizes

Pumpin’ Pal Breast Shields

$19.99 – $24.99

Need help finding your size?

We can help!

Breast Pump Travel & Carry

On-the-go breast milk cooler bag

Cooler Bag


Breast pump backpack with cooler compartment

Breast Pump Backpack with Cooler Compartment


Breast milk and breast pump tote bag

Carrying Tote with Cooler Compartment


Pumping Essentials & Replacement Parts

Sim-Cups Tubing Replacement Parts


Sim-Cups Cup Replacement Parts


Slim-Cups Diaphragm


Go-Cups Cup Replacement Parts


Silicone diaphragm to hands free go cup breast milk collection cups

Silicone Diaphragm for Go Cups (2pcs)


Silicone diaphragm for electric breast pumps

Silicone Diaphragm for Electric Breast Pumps (2pcs)


up close Membrane valve for Rumble Tuff breast pump

Membrane Valves (4pcs)


Silicone one-way lip valves (4 pieces)

One-Way Lip Valves (4pcs)


Silicone tubing and adapter for Go Cups

Silicone Tubing and Adapter for Go Cups (2pcs)


Electric breast pump double tubing for a Rumble Tuff breast pump.

Electric Breast Pump Tubing (Double)


Milkbag Adaptor


Manual diaphragm kit (manual handle)

Manual Diaphragm Kit (Manual Handle)


hands free breast shield body 2

HF Breast Shield Body (2pcs)


Breast Milk Storage Bags

$9.99 – $17.99

Breast Pump Vacuum Gauge


Silicone Nipple Ruler


Rumble Tuff Flange Fit Nipple Ruler for breast pump

Flange Fit Ruler

$9.99 – $17.99

Breast pump car adaptor charging cord

12V Car Adapter


AC/DC Power Adapter for Breast Pump

AC/DC Power Adapter


Infant & Baby Care Items

Nasal Aspirator


Medicine Dispenser


Gummy Luv-Infant Oral Care Kit


Baby thermal spoons for feeding

Thermal Spoons


infrared BBLOVE thermometer by Rumble Tuff

Infrared Thermometer


Soft and Huggable Pink Minky Blanket

Minky Baby Blanket


Silky minky changing pad covers color options

Silky Minky Changing Pad Cover-Compact Size


Silky minky changing pad covers color options

Silky Minky Changing Pad Cover-Standard Size


All minky dot cover color options

Minky Dot Changing Pad Cover-Compact Size


All minky dot cover color options

Minky Dot Changing Pad Cover-Standard Size


Vinyl Changing pad pattern close up

Zipped Vinyl Replacement Cover


Vinyl Changing Pad, comes in standard and compact sizes.

Zipped Contour Changing Pad


Legacy Breast Pumps & Parts

one-piece 25 millimeter breast shield body with bottle adapter

25mm One-Piece Breast Shield Body with Bottle Adapter


Mighty Tyke stylized product image

Mighty Tyke Electric Breast Pump


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